Serving New Orleans since 1975
Sunday Love Feast

"and distribution, prasāda distribution, free of charges. It was a very nice system, that nobody should remain hungry. That is the Vedic system. If there is any temple in any neighborhood, in that neighborhood nobody should remain hungry."
A Festival every Sunday
At our temple 6:00 pm onwards
The Sunday ‘Love Feasts’ goes back to the very beginning of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON period, which began in the mid-1960’s. He introduced this weekly festival as part of his overall preaching program.
The Founder Acharya of the Hare Krishna Movement, Srila Prabhupada started the “Sunday Love Feast” in 1966. He would personally invite guests, and cook the entire meal. He would serve the devotees a variety of tasty Indian-vegetarian preparations. Along with the vegetarian feast, Srila Prabhupada would sing the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra with the guests, dance and give a lecture on Bhagavad-gita.
Since then, this weekly Sunday Love Feast Festival is celebrated in all the Hare Krishna Temples around the world. It has evolved as an integrated celebration of Lord Krishna’s pastimes: chanting, hearing spiritual knowledge, dancing, eating, fellowship and generally sharing the bliss of God’s presence.
We invite you to our Sunday ‘Love Feast’. Every Sunday evening, spiritual-seekers gather for a culturally rich and vibrant experience of traditional spiritual culture which provides a flavor of Bhakti yoga – the yoga of love! Festivities kick off with kirtan (musical mantra mediation) and continue with more chanting, drumming, a spiritual discourse and a free vegetarian feast served to all attendees!
We welcome anyone regardless of one’s belief system, into an experience of selfless loving service.
Cost: Free! (donations welcome)
If you would like to sponsor a Sunday Feast, to commemorate a special occasion (like birthday or wedding anniversary) or just in general, please write to us at iskconofneworleans@gmail.com. We will offer the bhoga to the Deities and serve prasadam to all the devotees in your name.
Suggested Donation for the Sunday Feast is $500 only.